Shop from your favourite international stores online and renew subscriptions with ease.
Say goodbye to unnecessary charges. Pay only for items purchased.
Don’t make your purchases wait. Get a card in minutes and save valuable time.
A virtual card designed for seamless integration with digital wallets, enabling faster, contactless payments.
Perfect for paying for goods and subscribing to services within or beyond your region.
Take charge of your finances by setting a spending limit on your card. Adjust or lift it anytime.
Deactivate your card temporarily and reactivate it whenever you decide.
Save the environment from plastic pollution and contribute to a greener planet while you spend.
Never worry about losing your card again when you go virtual.
Receive a detailed summary of your card transactions.
Cancel your card in an instance, without needing external support or waiting in line.
Simplify your payments, protect your wallet, and support the planet— all with one card.